Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)


DODGE touring. 19241 good running died Tuesday morning at the home, 808 order, new battery, license paid; 4136. N. Cheyenne the la survived by the torma to right party. 2-1000.

husband. W. A. Taylor, and daughter, DODGE. 1925, sedan: really worth the Mary of the home address: two money: call Wilkerson, 4-8751, for AOTA, 11.

8. and J. Q. Taylor of demonstration. rillo, Texas Funeral services will be Building Permits C.

H. Seser, realinuce, 315 W. Tec*msch street, $4.000 M. Tennant, repairs, 1356 N. 1st wood avenue, $450: R.

R. Martin, addition. 1707 W. street, Mrm. Eva duples, 818-20 N.

Norfolk avenue, 15,000. Mra. Eva Long. garake and servanta' quertors, 816 N. Norfolk, James T.

Dun, realdence. Jamestown avenue. James Dun. dence, 1928 S. Jamestown avenue, $4,200: H.

Beiderman, residence. 2622 Norfolk avenue, 1 Muriel 1811 Fifth street, 8200. Robinson, addition, 410 E. Kink street. A.

If. private 316 E. Thirteenth place, Pete Cosal, office and storage, $20 Ninth atreet. Jones La Land, addition. 1019 N.

St. Louis avenue, $400; M. La Af oore, garage and quarters, 715. N. Lewia avenue.

Gale M. Bergman, Increased value of residence. 256 E. Twenty- Ninth street, J. Wolfe, addition, 1:35 N.

Denver avenue, $200; J. H. Stone, store Richteenth street, Fidelity Investment company, private garage, 1934 8. St. Louts avenue.

$140 Andy Morrow, realdence. 793 N. Sand Springs avenue. Campbell. realdence, 1903 S.

Gary place. A. D. shop bullding. 2640 Admiral boulevard.

$750. Total for Mareh, $201.506. Divorces Granted Fern Bailey. from Glenn Balley, neglect, Divorces Asked For Beatrice Hudson. from William Mudson.

cruelty, Lewis from R. V. Lewis; held at the home, N. Cheyenne, Thursday morning al 10 d'elock, Dr. W.

Kerr officiating. Burial will be In Rose Hill under The direction of the Gordon Barnes funeral home, DEATHS HARLOW- The Intant ton of A. M. Harlow. 916 E.

Independence avenue, died Tuesday afternoon. Funeral plane will be announced later by the Gordon Barnes Undertaking Co. CROW -David V. Crow, 68 years old, of 608 North Quaker avenue, and real dent of Tulsa many years, died in Tulsa Wednesday. Surviving are the widow, Mra.

Luella Crow, one daughter. NOM, brother. and four grandchildren. Funeral plane will be announced by the Tulan Undertaking company, ROBERT8 -Paul Willis Roberta, age 11 son of Mr. and Mra.

Mo Kinley Roberts, died at the home in Collinaville. Tulsa Undertaking Co. in charge. age 84, died Wednesday morning early aL the home, 1612 D. Admiral.

Funeral plana later by the Tulsa Undertaking Co. WILITE-Mise Helen White, 17 yearn old, of 623 Lewis Av. died In Tulsa Wednesday, Funeral plane will 'be atnounced later by the Stanley and Me- Cune Undertaking company. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING For your convenience Telephone A44 are charged at the same rate an cash ads and collections will be made at your home or office just an moon after the first Insertion 48 possible, Telephone ada are an accommodation service and payment should be made promptly upon receipt of the bill. Cancellation In canceling any advertisem*nt ways obtain cancellation number.

Adjustment of charges made only when advertiser ham this number. Advertising Rates 3 per word for 1 insertion, 30 per word for continuous insertions, 2 per word for 1 continuous insertiona, De per word for 30 continuous tons. RATES ON SITUATIONS WANTED 30 per word for 1 Insertion, per word for 8 continuous Insertiona, and 20 per word for 7 continuoua InFertiona 12 words minimum advertisem*nt A copted. All -town advertisem*nte cash with order. Rates for display advertising will be furnished upon request.

Hours Open dally, 8 a. uf. to 6 p. DA cept Saturdays, 8. 4.

m. to 6 p. M. Open Sunday, 9 a. m.

to 13 noon. Lest You Forget A Tulsa World Want Ad will produce Mont Results and Quicker Res suits at the Lowest Cost. If you have FOOTS for rent, property for sale. household furniture you no longer need, or no matter what you may have to dispose of, it will pay you to place a want ad in the Tulan Daily World. THE TULSA DAILY WORLD "ORLA HOMA GREATEST WANT AD PHONE 3-2161 Call for who ye f11 gladly assist you in preparing your copy.

With a Smile." $550 Packard Okla. Motor Co. 1301 South Boston CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. 1927 model: like new: $375; terms. Martin service garage, 423 5.

First. TRADED COUNCIL 75 AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles ADMIRAL, W. 1410 model Ford touring car, cheap. Call 9796. BUICK sedan; late 24: new paint; good tires: good motor: $226.

2408 E. Federal 4-6643. BUICK. 1027 sedan: a real buy for some. one.

Call Wilkerson. 4-3751, BUICK. 1926, coupe: the first $426 takes It. Call Wilkerson, 4-3761. Buick Standard Coupe 1926 Four-Passenger REAL BARGAIN AT 4.

$405 Packard Okla. Motor Co. 1201 South Boston PHONE 7121 BUICK. 1926, standard coach: new tires: original finish like new: you will lice this one: will trade and give terms, 316 F. Second St.

BUICK 1997. sedan- A real buy for some one. Call Wilkerson, Buick Bargain Late, model sacrifice Master price: by Six owner. Butek pedan: 2-4748. $-2076.

CHEVROLET, 1926 landau sedan: only 7,000 miles; A-1 condition. Call owner, 3-2081. Consolidated Car Market MOVED TO Third and Elgin Temporarily WE WILL MOVE BACK TO OUR OLD LOCATION AT TENTH AND ELGIN WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS I. T. WHITE, 4-0396 CHRYSLER touring.

1926 Chevrolet coupe $326 1926 Chevrolet roadster Late 1926 Chevrolet touring 1996 Ford Sedan $115 1936 Ford coupe, bargain $160 1926 Ford roadster .95 1925 Ford coupe, overhauled 80 International delivery $250 MANY OTHERS Bixth Street Car Market, 1410 E. Sixth Chrysler 1927 "70" Coupe car that needs a little mechanical work; 4 big bargain for BOTTO one AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles CHRYSLER Imperial 56, four passenger coupe; bargain: small car considered, terms. Doctor Bancroft. 713 N. Boston.

4-2480, 8-3830. CHRYSLER 68, coupe: perfect condition, good rubber; exceptional value, terma, 3-5042 after 5:19 p. Dahl Motor Co. Fourth and Elgin St. "We call them 'Good Will' cars because they create good will.

Once a Will purchaser alwaya a 'Good Witt' customer 1036 coupe 1924 Chevrolet coach 1927 Pontiae conch 1376 1937. Pontiac coupe 1928 Chevrolet coach ...1456 1928 Chevrolet cabriolet 1928 Pontiae coupe 8000 CASH TERMS- TRADE DAHL MOTOR CO. Fourth and Elgin Phone 4-8156 Open Evenings FOUR FORD COUPES 1926 AND 1927 MODELS A-1 condition: good paint; bew rubber; priced to sell quick. ADAMS MOTOR CO. 801 R.

FIFTH PHONS 9338 FORD ROADSTER, with delivery 460. 2-7846, FORD coupe: 11 good condition; 490 cash. Phone 9-6478. FOR SALE- Chrysler 50; good paint, rubber and runs good; 818 W. FIfth.

HUDSON, 1926, brougham refinished: A bargain at 4360. Call Wilkerson 4-3761 HUPMOBILE six coupe, 1926, this car Jooka and rune like now. Call Wilkerson, 4-3761. LIST your auto needs with us; we sell or buy tor you, NEW or OLD cars: all makes: helping finance. Phone 4-7053.

SUBWAY AUTO BROKERS Sixth and Kenosha. LATE MODEL Pontiac delivery truck for sale or will trade for lighter car and some cash. Floyd Itoel, Plume 166, Band Springs. LATE- MODEL ESSex coach; this has been a tamily car and had very good care! annst be seen to be appreciated; priced for quick sale. ADAMS MOTOR CO.

301 E. FIFTH PHONE NEW CARS FOR RENT ALSO TON TRUCKS FOR MOVING YOU DRIVE 318 E. SECOND. A PHONE 9709, OSAGE Nash Advanced Coupe De Luxe equipment: mechanical condition and finish Identically like now. Priced at a real bargain.

Packard Okla. Motor Co. 1301 BOUTI BOSTON PHONE 7191 OAKLAND sport. roadster: cheap for quick sale. -Call Wilkerson, 4-8751, for demonstration.

Packard Roadster, 1928 Here's the keenest roadster in Tulsa, Looka and runs like new. Packard Okla. Motor Co. 1201 South Boston PIERCE- ARROW coupe, 19971 excellent condition throughout; price $1,400. Packard Okla, Motor Co, 1301 8.

Boston. Phone 7121. PACKARD MIN sedan, model: you positively cannot tell this one from new. priced at a big bargain, Packard Okla. Motor 1201 8.

Boston. Phone 7131. PACKARD Club coupe: A late model: will take $750. Call Wilkerson. 4-3761.

Stutz: Coupe privately owned Tulsa car that's in wonderful. condition throughout, a real snap at Packard Okla. Motor Co. 1201 South Boston 1927 BUICK Brougham. a car driven, very little: will paas for new: price 1000.

Packard Okla. Motor 1201 8. Boston, Phone 7120. 1928 STANDARD Buick coupe, 13,000 miles; cash only. Call Harry Treasler, 3-1651.

1927 FORD coupe and cash for 1928 Chevrolet. 700 N. Peoria. 1927 LaSalle Roadster Cara has looks been like driven new. very Price little and $1,450 runs Packard Okla.

Motor Co. 1201 South Boston PHONE 7121 1928 ESSEX sport coupe: good rubber; runs and looks like a new car. A big bargain at 8365; easy terma; 316 L. Second St. 1023 FORD coupe, new tires; runs good; cheap.

1011 8. Main. 1928 DODGE Standard six coupet run lees than 10,000 miles: A-1 body and mechanical condition: terms or cash 8675. 8-2401. 3-9380.

1927 MODEL Ford roadster; perfect condition: paint and rubber good. ADAMS MOTOR CO. 301 FIFTH PHONE 9335 Autos, Trucks to Exchange 2 TRADE for furniture Whippet six sedan, 1926, 5,000 miles. 4-4304. 120 N.

Maybelle. Auto Supplies and Repairs 3 A YEAR'S SERVICE WITH SAMSON TIRES Four Months to Pay NO DELAY Inc. 217 EAST SECOND PHONE 9-9222 FLAT RATE service, brake, valves, igni- floti. oil and gas. Auto Valve and cars.


Auto Repairing 5 RED BALL. AUTO REPAIR- Just north of Coliseum. never disappoint. Every Job a flat rate (00 more) and never late. Phone 4-8531, RADIATORS repaired and rebuilt.

A-1 Fender and Body 484 E. Second. Motorcycles and Bicycles A BEAUTIFUL guaranteed wrist -watch for $2.79 by trading at Indian Bicycle Co. Wilbur Wilson, 121 R. Boulder, Dial 6466.

Trucks, Tractors for Sale 8 '26, ton truck: good, rubber; hub winch: Rucksteel axle; extra trans8100. Truck Salvage Con 19 USED TRUCK BARGAINS 2-ton Mack: tires: perfect condition $360 2-ton International: completely overs hauled: new tires and paint; apeclal INDIANA TRUCKS, 118 10. SECOND PHONE 9-2645 Wanted -Autos and Trucks 9 ALl. for Into model carat no red tape: 1307 E. Eleventh.

Cash for Late Cars AUTO RESALE CO. 28 N. 1.5W PHONE 9-9680 CASH paid for Junk care, all makes and all metals. Call WI PAY, highest cash prices for late model, high- grade used care. Walter Green, 405 E.

Third. WILL PAY cash for. light, late model car: must be a bargain. Phone 2-0666 or: 3-0077. WILL exchange carpenter work for Ford car, Phone 2-2623.

Wanted- Used Cars Will pay cash for good late-model care; Just drive dover and get the money, Motor Exchange, 816 E. Second. ANNOUNCEMENTS Auto Bus Transportation 10 TEXAS-OKLAHOMA COACHES Serving Texas and Southern Pointe AUTOMOTIVE m. A 11 m. Ly p.

m. Lav. Dallas Mc A Alester 4.10 Houston 16.00| Durant 6.80 San Antonio ..14.86 Ada 4.60 1.08 Angeles ..12.00 San Angelo Hot Springs Memphis 13.10 UNION BUS STATION 219 8. Cincinnati. Phone 3-8111.

WARM ROUTE WEST To California cities. all points by warm Sunset highway In heated coaches of world's largest motor stago system. Straight through, or with stopovers. Some low fares: Oklahoma City, 01. 135.

Pano, Nowl 893.76; three Los Angeles, San Diego, dally schedules. KanBAD City and Joplin: Kansas City, 36; 8t. Louis, $10; Chicago, Layetteville, $5,50. PICKWICK STAGES 309 8. Boulder, Phone WILL FURNISH responsible couple or tamily going to Loa Angeles late model automobile to drive out.

Phone 1-9042, between m. and p. m. Airplanes- Air Service 10-A TWO STANDARD airplanes: will escrifice for quick cash sale. 2-0666: D.

Second. Lost and Found 18 BIRD DOG, setter. white body, black care and ticked, with red collar: A. awere name Fannie; reward, 4-9121. LOST- Small purse containing 18 gold plece, locket, gold piece, ailver dollar, Liberal reward.

8-1041. LOST- Bunch of several keys on ring: owner's name and address on same. 8939. Liberal reward. J.

J. Lanta. LOST--Bunch of keya; Hopkina Motor Co. key ring; reward. Rural 156-J.

LOST- Largo bunch of keys; reward. 0827. LOST- Bank book, Firat National, with checks and money: liberal reward. 3-2941. LOST- Two 29x4.76 tires, between Vinita and Tulsa: reward, return K.

C. Auto hotel. LOST- Ladies purse with valuables. Call Red Fork 66-M; reward. LOST Auto tag.

018674; notify 1913 E. Seventh St. with Saturday, large white gold ring LOSTlong moonstone set: finder please call 5030; suitable reward. Personals, Purely 19 ANXIOUS 16 hear from brothers, Tom and Bernard Rooney, formerly Syracuse, N. last heard of 1918 at Tulsa, swer sister, Winnie.

Mra Martin, time our mother died, please W. Main AY. Spokane, Wash. HERBERT- Sorry I did not know of your difficulty before: have given your wife enough money to pay all your debts and will give you as much more as is necessary: important that you return here at once: your family needs you badly; wire me for any funds you need, Frank P. Pariah.

MAE MELTON please call at once, 824 E. Newton place W. B. Me OLGA HILTON- Swedish massage, elec. trie baths: ladies and gentlemen.

1433 N. Denver, 2-2400. PRIVATE maternity home: babies adopted. Phone 3-3216. 1547 W.

Main Oklahoma City. TRY Emily Lind a Swedish mAsSage treatments after skating: also good fur tired business women. Personals, Business 20 A. A. MAXWELL Natural healer, born with a double veil: advice on business, Investments, oil leases, love, marriage and divorce; satiafaction given or no charge.

620. N. Main. ORACE MASSEY. spiritual reader.

Mincka hotel, Fourth and Cheyenne. 4-1090. me in trouble over business, family, love affairs. this sitted medium will help you. Mme.

Buck, 318 W. Fourth. LET the Egyptian Tea Room make your party different, here or at home: readera sent any addresa by appointment. 2-9473. S.

Main, over Woolworth's. M.M.E McQUEEN- Truthful advice on business or love affaire. 911 8. Main. Apartment 301.

Phone 2-3098, MME. ROYAL Royal business Egyptian adviser, medium, astrologer and helping others; why not you 108 W. Seventh. a and MIS. C.

A. BLACK. spiritual medium business advisor. 1708 E. Eleventh 8t.

Phone 4-6383, TRANCE MEDIUM MME. BRYANT tella you what you are adapted for -how to make friends, money and success. Have you failed to realize your desire in life? Are you a round peg in a square hole! Are you dissatisfied with yourself? and your altion in lite? Are you making a financlat success? Why not? Located In my home, 614 8. Denver. 4-4014.

Special Notices 21 FROM this date will not be reaponalble for any bills contracted by anyone other than myself. Louis C. Bendit. I WILL not be responsible for any debts made by my wife, Edna M. Curry.

Signed, Frank M. Curry. WILL be at hotel Wednesday and Thureday, William C. Uplioff. Costumes 21-A thing: THEATRICAL; rentt sale; colonial: dance: every.

open eveninga. 213 Robinson 4-8910. Resorts--Vacation Places 22 BEST spring water: fish pond site Ozerks; will lease or accept pardner. Address box 40-A. care World.

BUSINESS SERVICES Beauty Shops 24 A MARCH special; all permanents $4: 15 years' experience. Call 8-5071. 1419 E. Admiral: A PERMANENT $4 Including hair cut, finger WAVe and shampoo: nine years' permanent waving In Tulsa. Valentine Beauty Shop, 103 W.

Fairview. 4-5891. A PERFECT permanent: requires no setting: ult work guaranteed; special, $5. New York Hair and Beauty Shop. 111 E.

Seventh. 3-4312. BONNA DEA SHOP, 911 8. Main: ilmited time, permanent $5: marcel finger wave, 50c. 3-8869.

FRENCH MARCEL and bob curl, 250: special this week; 320 S. Detrott. 3-1845, MARCELLING. shampooing. finger waving: 60e; expert operators.

Phone 4-5564 for appointment. 811 N. Main. BUSINESS SERVICES Dressmaking Millinery 25 BEAUTIFULLY inade children's gar- menta: frocks with bonnet to match specialty. 4-2962.

CHILDREN'S frocks and costa specialty; beautiful sand smocking. 139 B. Owasso, 4-1007. DRESSMAKING remodeling conta relined clothes specialty. 2040 D.

Thirteenth place. 3-3047. DRESSMAKING, remodeling. children's clothes specialty. Smpcking.

214 W. Thirteenth St. 4-4343. DRESSMAKING in your home: reasonable prices for spring sewing. Mrs.

Lyons. 3-7909. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. remodelIng and talloring. Misa Bush, 701 B.

Cincinnati. Phone 3-7044. HEMSTITCHING So, while you wait: all thread 201 8. Victor, 4-2421. HEMSTITCHING 60 yard: work guarenteed: called for and delivered.

611 8. Utica, 3-8496, SEWING done by day at YOUr home: satisfaction guaranteed. Mra. Harria. 2-8888 8-7730.

Electrical Service 26 ELECTRICIAN -Licensed: house wiring. fixtures: receptacles installed; $2 up, Repairing our specialty: 10 years Tulsa experienced. 3-5037. Furniture- Repair 27 CUSTOM made: upholstering, repairing. refinishing.

Moore Furniture Hospital, 728 N. Lewis, 8381. FURNITURE refinishing and upholsterIns: antique refinishing specialized. 108 N. Main, City Auction.

4-1082, MATTRESS RENOVATED STERILIZED RE-COVERED DAY SERVICE Porter Mattress Co. 1117 D. 4th. Renovating Dept. 8836, 6449 MATTRESSES renovated.

re-covered, sterilized; all. guaranteed; 1-day service. Tulsa Mattress 1435 E. Sixth. 3-9501.

Miscellaneous Service 30 A STOVE HOSPITAL Stoves repaired, connected, adjusted; work guaranteed. 7622, 3-9213. A REFRIGERATOR hospital, refrigerators relined and enameled: stoves repaired: work guaranteed. 4-6636, ACME House Window Cleaning windows cleaned, floors waxed, woodwork washed: stores, residences, Phone 2-4896. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Save money, Install wall sockets, $2.50: wiring and fixtures half price.

0. K. Sleet le Co. 14 W. First.

4-0088. REFINISHING floors the better way; surfacing: finishing or refinishing. Phone 4-8649. RENT-A-POLISHER Electric floor polishers, vacuum sweepers, $1.50 day delivered, 4-0681. SKATES BHARPENED by former professional skater.

Henry Webb, 614 8. Cincinnatti, opposite high school. TURNER'S SHOE REPAIR SERVICE CALL FOR AND DELIVER 603 8. KENOSHA PHONE 0001. Moving-Storage-Hauling 31 CALL LEAR transfer.

6111 for local and long -distance moving of furniture, CALL MATTOON prompt servIce: cheaper rates; moving, hauling; any place. 3-8939, LIGHT truck bauling. G. W. SIMONS.

813 EL Ninth. Phone 4-4680. Laundry Service 32 A SPECIALTY, lace curtains, fine laundry: all work guaranteed. Mra. Poston, A HOME laundry; cleaning, pressing: called for.

delivered. 4-6559. 1327 8. Quaker. CURTAINS.

drapes and tine hand laundry, Skaggs. 229 W. Ninth. Phone 8676. GUARANTEED laundry work; price to ault: references.

817 N. Trenton, Phone 4-8446. HOME laundry 650 dozen finlahed: 70 pound flat tinished; dollvered. Dial 4-1394. SANITARY home laundry; wet, rough dry, finished: delivered.

1441 5. St. Louis, 4-5396. Patents- -Models 33 ARTHUR C. BROWN PATENT ATTORNEY U.

8. and foreigu patents: trademarks and copyrighta 412 Kennedy Bide Phone 4-2319. Painting and Decorating 34 A-1 PAPER hanger: 250 roll; plaster patching; painting: calcimining. C. 10.

Friend, 3-5082. ATTENTION- G. C. Hatcher will save you money: painting and paper hanging. Phone 2-2084.

ALL WORK guaranteed: paper hanging, painting. calcimining: no job too small. 2-3656. A-1 PAPER HANGING, painting, calcimining; neatly done; no splashing or eplotching. Dial 2-6415.

EXPERIENCED painter and paper hangers sample bool shown. Phone 4-7528. James. AT REDDING'S PLACE- -Paper and paint contracting for less. 810 10.

Sixth, 2-8333. BETTER painting, paper banging, caletminine. carpenter work, plaster patchins. roof repairing. Rural 46-F-5.

BANKRUPT SALE WALL PAPER Over 400 patterns from be to $2 roll; room lots 500 and up. 1406 E. First. 8-2959. COLLINS WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Paper, per roll.

66 up; work guaranteed. E. Seventh. 1-1636, C. W.

BIGERT Painting: paper hanging and decorating. Phone 3-1656, EXPERIENCE and satisfied customers guarantee your paint Job; large or small. 4-3086. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging, painting: work guaranteed: prices reasonable; good references. 4-5884.

FOR PAINTING. decorating and ture refinishing call Kelly, 4-6347. PAPER hung 42 room and up; samples brought to home. Ford. 4-4309.

PAPER hanging and painting; estimates free; all work guaranteed. For quick service call 4-8400. PAPER HANGING. painting, calcimining; no job too small; work guaranteed. Woolsey, 4-7786.

PAINTER. decorator, paperhanger; tin1ah furniture with electrio spray. Tony Sandera. 4-9704. PLASTERING and patchwork special, $1 per.

hour. Phone 6850. Professional Services 36 SERVICE TO AUTHORS Manuscripts typed and prepared for publication by experienced and successful writer: minor reviaions when necessary: one carbon: reasonable rates. Write P. 0.

box 1606, Tulsa: Collection Agencies 36-A ANYONE OWING YOU can collect it. No changes valess wo get your money. "l'uisa Credit Exchange, 307 National Bank of Commerce. ACCOUNTS ot all kinds solicited and collected, Acme Adjustment Bureau Phone 4-0408. TULSA (BONDED) ADJ.

CO. 313-14 Commercial Bldg. 4-5480, 3-9534 TULSA COLLECTING AGENCY Law, adjustments and Investigations. 217 Pan- American Tulsa. WOOD ADJUSTMENT CO.

Mayo bulldIns: an agency that believes in the constructive method of Phone 7994. Cont'g, Repairing, Building 37 A NONUNION carpenter, buliding. modeling, rooting, patchwork; reasonable; guaranteed. 2-7893. ALL KINDS construction, repal: work.

remodeling, plaster patching. painting, papering, roof repairing, guttering. cement work: guaranteed. Hendricks. 4-8731 ALL KINDS repair work around your home; carpentering and painting.

Phone 3-4072. WHEN you're quite sure what you want. but don't have an idea where to get it read the many valuable offers listed daily in Tulsa World Want Ada. BUSINESS SERVICES Cont'g, Repairing, Building 37 A NONUNION contractor: repairing specialty, commercial butidings: garages; leaky cools; painting: papering. 79 AN DILL Plastering.

repairing patch work specialty: guaranteed: neatly done. 2-7317. BONDED, licensed contractor; cement work. bullding and repairing; cash or monthly paymente. 2-6553.

BRICK CONTRACTOR G. Zimmerman wants to figure your work, Phone 7363. CARPENTER, turnkey contractor; eatimates, plans, financing. remodeling: fine finishing cabinet work. 4-4682.

CARPENTER work, all kinds; additions, alterations, remodeling and repair. Phone 3-4932. GENERAL building contracting: repair work a specialty. Geo. Perreault, 1120 8.

Utica, 5018. LEAKY ROOFS Chimneys and gutter work; re-modeline: general repairing: 4-8732. Hendricks. NONUNION carpenter: butiding repairin g. painting, screening.

roof repairing specially. 3-3819. Mr. Ferguson. PATCH WORK -Day or night; storing.

plastering, painting neatly done: all- round mechanic: $1 per hour. Phone Frank, 3-0324. PLASTERING and stucco work: patch work specialty; all works positively guaranteed. 2-4942. Renovating Curt's, Carpets 38 Your Rugs Catt be cleaned and held until after decorating.

Call ua today, 3-0701. 825 E. First. TULSA CARPET CLEANING WORKS. EDUCATIONAL Beauty Schools 41 AT SUCCESS BEAUTY COLLEGE Chartered: Oklahoma's leader: all branches of beauty culture correctly taught: marcel course, $10.

8. Main, 3-8431. Chicago Beauty College LEGALLY CHARTERED MRS. HAMM. OWNER AND MGR.

Latest method In the standard coursas prepares studenta for state examinationa and diplomas; live models; day, night classes: position guaranteed. for further information write 217-20 Richards Third and Boston, Tulsa. TULSA BEAUTY COLLEGE Oklahoma's oldest, most reliable chartered and bonded school: diplomas, position guaranteed or money refunded: theory, practical, technical system: individual Instructious, actual practice: latest methoda taught by competent instructora; our graduates are eligible to operate in any state; we prepare studenta for state examinations: night classes. Tulsa Hair Dressers, 801-309 Robinson Bldg. Phone 3-0609.

Business Schools 42 EARN MORE MONEY Get ready for a real position: start with us Monday. Phone 8629. 408 8. Denver. TULSA BUSINESS COLLEGE Music-Dramatic-Dancing 45 CHRISTENSEN- -Piano Jazz; 20.

lessons, ballroom dancing: ukulele, 8 lessona, 2-7750, 4-3325. SAXOPHONE AND BANJO FRED C. CRAIG EDGAR MUSIC CO. Private Instructions 46 FRENCH lessons and conversations Frenchman. Pierre Riou, 1310 Eleventh, 8-2030.

MARCEL LESSONS By expert French marceller: classes now organizing. Call 2-1806 for appointment. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted- -Male 49 A $5,000 LIFE POLICY With special old-age features; average cost $5.50 per month; age limit 56 years: live-wire representatives wanted. APPLY 611 SECURITY BLDG. A-1 COUPON salesman for an attractive proposition out-of-towa work.

Address box 20-A, care World, BOYS wanted to sell magazines. Apply 1916 S. Frankfort, near McNulty ball park. DISTRICT and local salesmen: good for 62 an hour; exclusive territory; have business of your own. Address box 43-A.

care World or phone 4-6621. EXPERIENCED electrician with tools. Apply 14 W. First. HAVE room for two married men; steady worlters only; references quired.

Call 223 Tulsa Trust to 6 and 6 to 9 p. m. IF YOU have ambitions of earning $200 or more see Mr. Griffin, 806 8. Main, afternoons.

OFFICE MANAGER wanted for local branch of large corporation; must have credit and collection experience and thoroughly understand general office routine: give detalle in letter to P. O. box 1439. TO THE MAN with a good past record we can offer a good position with attractive Income. See Mr.

Baker, 607 Alexander Bldg. TWO FIRST-CLASS bus body-bullders. Apply Homer Cessna, 102 N. Denver. TEN dump trucks wanted on batch haul: report to Standard Paving Pawnee, Okla, TWO young men not over 25, for sales department.

Apply after 10 8. Mr. Stewart. Browning hotel. WANTED Two nonunion rock masons, at 3311 8.

Zunis. WANTED- High-class stock salesman. Box $22, Enid. WANTED Electrical sales engineers; must have proven sales and organizing ability. Address box 1548, Muskogee, Okla.

WANTED draftsman; piping experienced preferred. Address box 16-A, care World. WANTED -Experienced machinist. Apply Hinderliter Tool Co. 1150 N.

Peoria. WANTED with bicycle, to deliver groceries, 115 W. Eighth. 2-3360. WHITE couple for janitor work: free basem*nt apartment and small salary.

3-3881. WANTED -Experienced welding foreman, on an electrically welded pipe line: 102 Mid -Co Bldg. WANTED--Men and boys to sell papers. Rear of World building 6 a. m.

Ask for Mr. Diamond. WILL furnish responsible family going to Los Angeles, late model automobile to drive out. Phone 4-9042, between 9 a. m.

and 6 p. I. Help Wanted -Female 50 EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 1601 S. Owasso, Call after nine.

MODERN brick quarters with bath in exchange for laundry work. Must have city references. No cooking allowed at 1411 S. Galveston. STENOGRAPHER.

familiar with automobile: or finance business; apply In long hand, state ago and qualifications and salary expected; this is permanent position with chanco for advancement. Post office box 2028. SOMEONE to care for child In their home: must be small family 3-1782. WANTED- -White or colored girl for part thine work. Call 4-3810.

WILL give room and board in exchange for housework; no laundry; sinall fam11y. 5476. WHITE girl for general housework and care of child: stay nights. 3-8501. WANTED- -Young lady with best of 80- etal connectiong on our sales force for exclusive proposition; this la not a fulltime position but can be developed into very good thing.

See Mr. Gassett, Rec Tulsa Motor 1012 S. Main, WANTED- Good marceller and finger waver; good opportunity for right party, Jean Loa Shop, Dale hotel Coffeyville, Kan. WANTED- Neat apeparing young ladies to assist sales manager. Apply 117 W.

Eighth. WANTED -White woman for general housework; references required; 1444 6. Newport. Help- -Male or Female 52 EXPERIENCED mystic render. male or female.

Egyptian Tea Room, 2-9473, over Help, Instruction Required 53 EMPLOYMENT A- MONEY FOR YOU AT HOME- -Men and women can earn $15 to $25 a week In spare time writing showcards; no canvassing or eliciting; we instruct you and supply you with work: write today. The Menhenitt Limited. 160 Dominton Bldg. Toronto, Canada. MEN and women who can draw and are seriously interested in becoming mercial artists, the world's largest commercial art and advertising service organlation will offer you an unusual opportunity to get in the field of commercial art in the shortest possible time: state age, address and phone number, Address box 67-A.

care World. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -Men, wom en to qualify for government jobs: 3126- $250 months. Write Instruction real. Dept. 395.

St. Louis, Mo. Situations Wanted--Male 54 AN old like man wants home and 'small wages: will work around place; grocery experience; references. Call 5419, Tulsa. COLORED man wants any kind of work.

Phone 2-3607. COLORED man wants dairy work or any kind of work. Phone 4-5500. COLORED couple, cook, butler or houseman; town or country; reference, Address box 39-A, care World. ENGINEERING mechanical draftsman wants spare time work; good on topography: 10 year's expertence.

4-4740. EXPERIENCED solesman and general office man desire position. Address box 43-A. care World. GOOD fry cook or walter wants.

work; references. Phone 2-0092. GENERAL building estimator from Minnesota: 10 years' experience; familiar with general contracts start to finish; desires connection with reputable southern company: full particulars if interested. Address box 44-A, care World. GRADUATE mechanical engineer; nine years' experience designing and detail drafting: structural steel and lines; wishes position in oil company; would consider later going to South America.

Address. 15-A, care World. MAN. 60, physically fit, wanta work: 20 years' railroad clerical work. 17 yeore grain, feed.

For Interview telephone 3-8509, Tulsa. POSITION as audior, bookkeeper or office manager: 15 years' experience: good reference; call 588 in forenoon for appointment or address box 777, Sand Springs, Okla. RELIABLE colored man wants work 0.8 Janitor, chauffeur, yard, house cleanIng. 4-9915. SECRETARY Ambitious young man, expert stenographer, thoroughly competent, desires position with reliable concorn.

Phone 2-4225 for interview. D. Harris, 1217 S. Baltimope. SMALL sets books opened and kept at small cost by expert accountant part time or evenings.

Phone 3-7623. Mr. Kelley. YOUNG man, age 21, high school graduate, three years' experience stenographic, pay roll, cost accounting and general office work; now employed with creditable manufacturing concern but wishes to make change: best of references furnished. Address box 31-A, care World.

YOUNG MAN with capital. few thousand dollars and 13 years' business expertence, desires to make connection with reaponsible, party in reputable enterprise; will consider only propositiona of merit. Address box 31-A, care World. YOUNG man wants office work: 0X- perienced: other Inside work considered: references, 3-2436. YOUNG MAN, married, desires work where advancement 18 possible: will conalder anything.

Address, box 36-A, care World. YOUNG man, experienced bookkeeper. fair stenographer, desires position; no objections leaving city. Address box 41-A. care World.

Situations Wanted--Female 55 AN EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position. 4-6855. AN EXPERT stenographer destres posttion: experienced legal and land department work. Phone 3-1903. AN experienced stenographer, bookkeeper and general office assistant desires manent location.

4-7308. BOOKKEEPER TYPIST: thoroughly capable and experienced in insurance, lumber, hardware, drugs, familiar with office detail and used to responsibility, Call 2-9840, 3-1000. CAPABLE woman. 06 years old, pleasing personality; can keep small set of books; experienced cashier, clerical and sales experience; qualified to take care of small office: would accept nominal salary to start. Phone 2-7266.

EXPERIENCED typist, PBX operator wants position: will consider whole or halt day. 3-7808. EMPLOYERS In need of stenographers, bookkeepers, general clerical workers, cooks, waitresses, Industrial workers, nurses, call employment department Y. W. C.

A. Phone 5175. STENOGRAPHER: 10 years experience, desires permanent position; prefer oll office. 5737, 3-4688. STENOGRAPHER-book keeper, legal and office experience, desires permanent position: reasonable salary.

7378. STENOGRAPHER. experienced, capitble; knowledge bookkeeping: desires sition. Call 2-0491. Situations Domestic 55-A CHILDREN cared for in your home, by day or night.

Phone 3-7273. COLORED. want to rent quarters unfurnished, furnished; two rooms or more. 4-5500. COLORED girl wants general housework with quarters; city references.

Phone 4-2419. COLORED MAID: experienced cook or general housework. with quarters; references. Phone 9431. CHILDREN CARED FOR BY THE HOUR.

PHONE 3-2768. COLORED girl wants general housework. with quarters. Call 2-1588. 719 F.

Easton. CHILDREN cared for in my home by day or week. 4-9813. COLORED woman wants day work. 4-2730.

DAY WORK and laundry wanted by experlenced colored woman. Phone 4-1900. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work. Phone 3-2731. EXPERIENCED colored girl wantes quarters in exchange for laundry.

Phone 8-7759. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants laundry work or house cleaning. Phone 9380. EXPERIENCED laundress, wants work by day or hour. Phone 3-2670.

EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work of any kind; city reference. Phone 4-8546. EXPERIENCED maid wants general housework or day work; references. Phone 2-1004. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants halfday work; good cook; reference.

Phone 3-2336. EXPERIENCED colored woman, excellent laundress, wants laundry, ironing or housecleaning. 4-5048. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants permanent job with quarters; will conaider motherless home. 3-4990.

EXPERIENCED colored Woman wants work. Phone 8-0831. EXPERIENCED white girl wants nursemaid work; references. Call 2-3320. EXPERIENCED woman wants housekeeping in motherless home; elty Leferences.

Call 4-2602. NEAT. experienced colored girl with elty reference wants general housework: 10. cooking: with quarters. Phone 3-9671.

FIRST-CLASS cook-chef wishes position. Phone 2-1884. PRACTICAL nurse wants care of invalld or children. Phone 2-3096. POSITION as companion to semi-inva114 or housekeeper in motherless home.

Phone 3-0516. PRACTICAL nursing: experienced. Phone 9328: 510 8. Madison. RELIABLE colored girl wants work.

Phone 3-1636. WIDOW, white, with six children, must have any kind of work. 4-8619. Mrs. Salesmen 56 Salesmen Wanted Here You Are Fellows A Real Selling Proposition National organization opening offices in Tulse.

Positively permanent salary to those who qualify. No high pressure needed to put this over. Call Wednesday and Thursday for appointment. Mr. Miles or Kuhne, Hotel Mayo.

EMPLOYMENT BROWN and Bigelow have opening for capable saleaman in Tulsa: prefer man between 35 and 40 years old with sueceasful record. A. F. Bray, district sales manager. 303 Kennedy Port Smith, Ark.

SALESMAN WANTED Make $10 day easy. Call between 8 and 10 a. m. or between 2 and m. Call for Mr.

Melton or Mr. Ladd, 109-A W. Fourth St. SEVERAL first-class money, makers, to call on doctors and dentist. in Call 4-2604.

Laura Fry, 506 Palace between 8 and noon Thursday. TIRE SALESMAN Salesmen 56 Nationally known manufacturer will have opening in near future; only the highest type man with record of sales accomplishment in this line will be considered; for interview, appointment, address in confidence; give fullest particulars, experience, references, Address box 35-A. care World, TWO SALESMEN- One for city territory, one over state; must be of good address: reference required; to start about $27.50 week; advancement speedy to right man. Call for Mr. Hall, 300 McBirney Bldg, WANTED- Salesmen, go-getters; real opportunity for live wires; experienced men only; permanent position; rolling stones need not apply: references required.

Apply 410 N. Elwood, between 4-6, today. Salesladies 57 SALES LADIES WANTED -We offer the ladles of Tulsa the very highest class proposition in a sales position. It you have ability and a real personality, here is something without canvassing, without house-to-house soliciting. You must be at least 31 and not over 35.

Permanent positions with our 'Tulsa office. Salary to those who quality. Call Mr. Atles or Mr. Kuhne at Hotel Mayo for appointment Wednesday and Thursday, SALES ladies wanted, see Mrs.

West, Willard hotel; no phone calla; call in person. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 59 (LOCAL) A CLOSE-IN apartment house, seven apartments: all nicely furnished and full: reasonable, Phone 4-5424. ALWATS buy or sell through Oklahoma Realty 305 8. Cheyenne. 4-5812.

AT peanut machine E. with FIRST- dandy Good popcorn. stand cheap; rent right; deal with owner. BARBER shop for sale or trade: 2-chair case and one chair, 2072 E. Eleventh street.

BLACKSMITH equipment; everything that's necessary; $600. B. L. Knight. phone Claremore, Okla.

CLEANING and pressing shop downtown, established 12 years; doing good busineas cheap; $250 handles. Phone 1-6309 (owner). CIGAR store. large office building; sales $35 daily; nets $250 monthly: price 600: terms. 404 Tulsa Loan Bldg.

CAFE- -Industrial section: salea $40 daily; no better buy In town: $300 cash handles. 404 Tulsa Loan Bldg. COFFEE SHOP and lunch stand; $200 cash; on best street In city; rent $35 month: many other bargains in cafes. hamberger stands, groceries, hotels. rooming houses.

acreage, farms and city property. Millers Brokerage. 3-0849. CHOICE of two 10-room apartment houses, each: $200 handles; many others. 816 Daniel Bldg.

Phone 4-2930. CLEANING and pressing shop; downtown: doing $600 monthly; one of the best alteration locations in Tulsa; $350 handles. Stewart Sales 816 Daniel Bldg. 4-2930. CLEAN hotels, busy restaurants, stores, bargains; terma.

MacDonald, South Boston. CIGAR stand; worth the money; large office building: excellent opportunity. $875. 4-6812. CLASSY boarding house, classy location.

classy patronage; bargain. ald, 21114. S. Boston. CIGAR and magazine stand for sale; $560 cash.

18 W. Fifth St. DRUG store doing $60 a day. for call owner, 2-0943. DRUG STORE -Latest fixtures; iceless fountain: invoice will take $2.600 cash.

4-0021. FOR SALE -Furniture store: well 1o- cated; good business; some cash; balance terms. 4-6702. FOR SALE Rooming house: close in; 11 rooms; real bargain, 8793. 4-6795.

FOR SALE; 15-room rooming house; rooms all taken; cheap rent; good location: $360 down. balance easy. 4-4461, FOR SALE- Sandwich shop next to Collseum: best location In city. 605 S. Elgin.

FOR SALE First- class cafe: indratrial section: daily income $75 per day; would consider good car as part of first payment. Phone 4-0024. FOR RENT OR LEASE: filling station. tire shop and battery shop combined; good location in manufacturing district, Call 2-9952. GROCERY and school supplies; living rooms and fixtures rent with building.

1508 E. Second. GARAGE for rent, 60x80, on 66 highway in Red Fork: equipment and stock for sale. Phone Red Fork 63. GROCERY and market, priced to sell; excellent business; good location: rent $35 month.

Owner, 208 E. Ninth. HOTELS: 110 to 100 rooms; we have largest lat in town; consult us: terms arranged to suit, 404 Tulsa Loan Bldg. HOTELS. 25 to 50 rooms, in Tulsa: some terms.

L. R. CANFIELD 533 RobInson Bldg. Phone 4-0919. HIGH-CLASS rooming and boarding house: nicely furnished; doing good business.

516 8. Denver. HOTEL -40 rooms, 40 baths; transient; downtown: $1,500 handles. RHODES HOTEL BROKERS, 815 Daniel Bldg. 4-2930.

I HAVE what you want and want what you have in hotels. Allison. 3-1945. KENTUCKY rooms. 6: N.

Main. Full steady roomers; owner leaving town. 4-2198. LEAVING town. will sell eight rooms furniture less than cost: cheapest rent in Tulsa: close In.

4-4815. MANUFACTURING plant of nationallyknown products: business, equipment and franchise: rent, including all bills, $20 per month; plant clearing over $175 baths: newly decorated: some new furing business: price $750. ATLAS REALTY CO. 413-14 Commercial Bidg. Dial 4-2053 ONE-HALF Interest in a buainess that will net you over $300 per month; part cash, pay balance out of earnings; present owner wishes to expand.

Mr. Jolly, 413-14 Commercial Bldg, ONE of the best restaurant locations in the city with the equipment all set up and ready to go; wonderful opportunity for the right party; sacrifice price if sold at once. Call or see James Courtney Co. 3-0806. PARTNER wanted for small advertising agency; some capital.

Address, 38-A, care World. PARTNER wanted, with some capital, In jewelry and repair business. See Tulsa Business Exchange, 202. Tuloma Bldg. ROOMING house: 10 rooms; nicely furnished; good location; only $320 down.

4-5812. RUG CLEANING plant for sale; good business. 1101 N. Utica. ROOMING house, residential section: 12 large, airy rooms; income $140 monthly; price $1.000.

with $300 cash. 404 Tulsa Loan Bldg. THREE hotels, 15, 32 and 60 rooms; doing capacity business; good terms. W. A.

Stewart, 501 Bliss Bldg. 4-8834. TOURIST INN on North Peoria, north edge of city; 2-story building with store room, living quarters for owner and six rooms to rent to tourists. $4,500. 113 Central National Bank Bldg.

4-2278. WANTED- Toil to enter Eastman's 000 prize kodak picture contest: entry blanka free: do contest quality developing. printing, at all Quaker stores, kodak department. WE KNOW who the buyers are for cates, hamburger standa, lunch stands. rooming houses, hotels, barber shops, beauty parlors, groceries, filling stations, garages, farms, acreage and city property; list with U8 for quick sale.

Millers Brokerage, 3-0519. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 59 (LOCAL) TO any SELL location, business write, places, see Tulsa merchandise Exchange, 202 Tuloma Bldg. Business 34 ROOMS- -Runing water: plenty bathe; newly decorated: soine new fur of niture: rent $350; Jong lease: $5,500 on terms. price ATLAS REALTY co. 413-14 Commercial Bldg, Dial 4-200 10-ROOM maker: residential W.

rooming A. house: 501 money Bliss Bidg. $200. Phone Stewart 4-8834. Business Opportunities 60 (OUT-OF-TOWN) CLEAN stock of groceries and tures for sale.

Call A. McCartney, ColA linsville, Okla. AT MAUD, OKLA. hotel cash; half and cafe down, for balance sale: like bargain rent. for Dr, Lewla.

BATTERY and northwest electric service station in good Arkansas town of Box. 445 only equipped shop in town. Springdale, Ark. CAFE -Best cafe in good town, near Tulsa: take light late model car down payment. W.

C. Haney, 313 Bling Bldg. Phone 3-8571. CLEANING and pressing business; easy terma to Springs, right Ark. party.

Box No. 354, Siloam CAFE Marble counter and back fIxtures: six tables; two large exhaust fans; cigar case: cash register; writer: everything complete: cost 200: best location write In Pawhuska. Price $1,000. Call or R. L.

Hall, Paw. huska, Okla. FOR SALE OR TRADE -First-class laundry and dry cleaning plant; only one In county: bright future. Lincoln Steam Laundry, Chandler, Okla. FOR SALE- Two tine dry goods stores: best locations; one in Maud, one In Konawa, Oklahoma's noted oll' fled towns: sell jointly or separately; want to retire.

If have 110 money, don't write. Address Box 778. Maud, Okla. FOR BALD Noxal cafe, Sasakwa, $1,500 cash: reason for selling worked down. Box 375, Sasakia, Okla.

FOR SALE- Truck and fine motor car agency: parts business will pay overhead; $10,000 will handle: do not swer unless you have the cash and mean business. Box 323, Okemah. Okla. SELL OR TRADE -Eddy hotel: 33-room house, surrounded by oil fields; 40 reg. ular boarders.

Jess Chenoweth, box 825. SUBLEASE grocery; clean stock; stock and fixtures $750: living rooms in rear bullding; rents $17 month. J. F. Hinson, 603 8.

Oak St. Business Wanted 60-A DOWNTOWN LOCATION For sandwich shop and soda fountain, Address box 471-W. care World. Gas- -Oil- -Mineral Opp'ty 61 DO YOU NEED money for organizing ct financing oll. mining or other propose tione? Write 136 E.

Thirteenth, homa City, Okla. FOR SALE Gas production, oll and gas leases, royalty, interest in drilling wells, good block of leases near shallow production for well. Beckham bor 317, Carter, Okla, FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres fee land. No royalty sold; not leased. In good oil territory, near two Cromwell sand tests having 600d showings.

On structure and nover been tested in Wilcox sand. Will take clear city property and some money. The royalty under this land te worth about as much as ask for land. Call G. I.

Struble, phone 4-5347: 1018 Hunt Bldg HAVE 80 southwest Pittsburg county; 160 Hughes county; no lease: all roy. alty intact. Price $11 per acre, Owner, 219 N. Seventeenth. Muskogee, Okla.

WANT six parties to join me in drillit; offset to production: you share in entire lease for $25 now. balance wher well is commercial. This 18 prover stuff, but must sacrifice for extra equipment. Call 2-0881 not later than 2:30 today: ask for Mr. Riggs.

WANTED Royalties, prospective and producing. P. O. box 636. WANTED -Bids on drilling well; standard rig.

Box 322, Enid Okla. Money to Loan--Chattels 63 A CHARACTER OR CHATTEL LOAN $50 TO $1,000 10 MONTHS TO REPAY Southern Finance Corp. 301 M'BIRNEY BLDG. DIAL 4-6098 A PERSONAL OR SALARY LOAN Beat plan in Tulsa SEE "CROUSE' AT THE TULSA CREDIT CO. 305 Orpheum Theater Bldg, 3-3467.

A LOAN SERVICE In amounts of $10 or more on CHATTLES or PERSONAL notes. Reasonable rates with paymente made to suit your income. You will like our QUICK CONFL DENTIAL service and our sincere efforts to help you. POPULAR LOAN CO. 305 BLISS BLDG.



MAIN. DIAL 6100 AUTOMOBILE LOANS BORROW MONEY ON YOUR CAR From TULSA'S OLDEST. LARGEST and best equipped automobile loan cont pany: we make loans without delay. All business CONFIDENTIAL. MOTOR MORTGAGE CO.

"Bank-like Service" 316-318 E. SECOND ST. ANCHOR LOAN CO. PERSONAL AND FURNITURE LOANS 1 TO 3-HOUR SERVICE $5 TO $300 ROOM 207 MAYO DIAL 3-3939 BORROW HERE We'll loan you $50 to $15,000 Amount Dise. Cash Weekly of Loan and Fee Received Payment 2.00 100.00 10.00 90.00 200.00 20.00 180.00 4.00 300.00 30.00 370.00 6.00 8.04 400.00 40.00 360.00 500.00 60.00 450.00 10.00 Semimonthly OF monthly payments desired.

MORRIS PLAN "WHERE FOURTH CROSSES BOULDER PHONE. 4-9131 HARRY GOLDBERG DIAMOND BROKER Loans BUSINESS money on STRICTLY diamonds CONFIDENTIAL Northeast corner Third and Bldg. PHONE 2-6834. If You Need Quick Money who We offer loan service to people are steadily employed or own home nture: you. will be pleased with out red confidential tape la cut service to the and minimum; fact the that cost.

18. small and you can arrange any terms of repayment your circ*mstances may require. LOAN CO. 505 Mayo 5th Floor PHONE $-5285. LIBERAL LOAN CO.

Room 204 SALARY-LOANS- -CHATTEL 2-9501 Alexander Bldg. LOANS SALARY AND CHATTED ONE TO THREE-HOUR SERVICE J. G. CAMPBELL Qrer Woolworth's Phone Majestic Loan Co. Salary and Chattel Loans 201-202 MAJESTIC THEATER BLDG A CHARACTER OR CHATTEL.

Tulsa World from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.