hi people i've got another konsept (Cybernetic Ordnance, fs) for you to review, yippee | Fandom (2024)

(Note: Here, Max. Damage means the maximum possible damage dealt by a move, meaning you have every single damage buff that can be applied onto you (this doesn't mean all at once, just all possible buffs) and your enemy every single defense debuff applicable)

Appearance (Character):

The character has a confident, upright stance, seldom checking their cyborg implants, having a futuristic, energetic blade on their right forearm while having metallic specs in their left.

Appearance (Icon):

A robotic hand showcasing missiles and electricity.


Energetic Backlash:

Double tapping after a move is hit on the enemy causes shock damage.

Max. Damage: ...

Cooldown: 15sec

Range: Technically infinite

Stun: None

Breaks Instinct: No (can drain)

Duration: 4sec

AoE: None

Kinetic Surge:

After having dealt 4000 damage to your enemy and having dealt 3000 damage to yourself, your next 2 moves will be a stronger variant of themselves.

(Will not end until the next 2 moves are used)

Max. Damage: what

Cooldown: 20sec

Range: what

Stun: what

Breaks Instinct: what

Duration: what

AoE: what


M1 - "Cybernetic Combo"

1st M1 - The user liver shots the enemy using their left arm.

2nd M1 - The user head shots the enemy using their left arm.

3rd M1 - The user slits the enemy's abdomen using their blade on their right arm.

4th M1 - The user stabs the enemy and swiftly delivers a punch to the gut, knocking the enemy away.

(Energetic Backlash doesn't apply)

Max. Damage: 3750, 3000, 3750, 4250

Cooldown: Same as all the other fighting styles

Range: Bad

Stun: None

Breaks Instinct: No

Duration: 3sec

AoE: Bad

Z - "Rocket Frenzy"

Normal Variant:

The user quickly dashes forward, impaling the enemy using their right hand blade, and quickly following up with a powerful barrage consisting of punches, kicks and slashes throughout the enemy's body. The user then ends it off by reaching out to the back for power, boosting their punch's force by using built-in accelerators and delivering an explosive and extremely strong blow that resonates throughout the enemy's body, knocking them away and dealing good damage.

(Energetic Backlash applies)

Max. Damage: 5600

Cooldown: 11sec

Range: Alright

Stun: Same as Duration

Breaks Instinct: Only drains

Duration: 4sec

AoE: Bad

Kinetic Surge Variant:

The user charges their calves and bursts forward, violently impaling the enemy using their right hand blade whilst unleashing their hidden artillery. After this, the user enters a cutscene and performs an extremely strong barrage consisting of consecutive dashes, energetic stabs, strong punches, devastating kicks and slashes. The artillery does the job of shooting ammunition into the enemy during the barrage. After this, the user delivers an explosive blow, knocking the enemy away. The user quickly accelerates and gets behind the enemy, then slams them onto the ground, following with an electric, explosive and destructive kick, blowing the enemy away and ending it off by launching a large missile onto them that explodes, dealing massive damage.

(Energetic Backlash applies)

Max. Damage: 7200

Cooldown: 16.5sec

Range: Good

Stun: Same as Duration (the cutscene)

Breaks Instinct: Yes

Duration: 7sec

AoE: Good

X - "Quasar Gun"

Normal Variant:

The user brings both their hands together, gathering photon particles and the wind's kinetic energy scattered throughout the air, forming a devastating purple energy beam, engulfing their enemy in radiating cyborg energy and dealing high damage.

(Energetic Backlash applies)

Max. Damage: 5750

Cooldown: 8sec

Range: Good

Stun: 1.8sec

Breaks Instinct: No

Duration: 2sec

AoE: Good

Kinetic Surge Variant:

The user brings both their hands together, forcefully charging them, creating electricity and heat whilst gathering photon particles and the wind's kinetic energy, the photons collide with the electricity to form various smaller purple energy beams that automatically land on the enemy, similar to Sound [C], and while all this happens, the user charges a greater and stronger, much more devastating purple, electric energy beam that also automatically lands on the enemy, dealing massive damage.

(Energetic Backlash doesn't apply)

Max. Damage: 7250

Cooldown: 13sec

Range: Very good

Stun: 2.5sec

Breaks Instinct: Only final energy beam

Duration: 4.5sec

AoE: Good

C - Normal Variant, "Technical Totality":

The user brings forth powerful gravitational force using their specs, and pulls the enemy towards them, then immediately stabs them with their right arm's blade, generating electricity and heat. After this, the user enters a cutscene. The user forcefully pulls their blade back and slices the enemy, then uses both arms to shock them, slamming them onto the ground whilst holding their neck against it. The user charges their left arm, delivering an extremely strong, explosive punch, then reveals their hidden artillery, forcing out explosive drones and bombs, after which they shield themselves using strong metal and detonate the explosives, leaving the cutscene and dealing extraordinarily massive damage.

(Energetic Backlash doesn't apply)

Max. Damage: 8370

Cooldown: 20sec

Range: Bad

Stun: Same as Duration (the cutscene)

Breaks Instinct: The pull doesn't

Duration: 6sec

AoE: Good (explosives)

Kinetic Surge Variant, "Quantum Evisceration" (The name changes when you enter a Kinetic Surge)

The user gathers dark matter and energy with their awakened specs, creating a miniscule singularity at aimed position. This singularity absorbs all matter and sucks in players towards it, dealing decent damage. While that happens, the player fully charges their right arm's blade, having made a large difference in size and energy. With this, the player unfolds a final strike, a slash, delivered to the sucked in matter, so strong that it rips apart the singularity, slicing all players sucked into it, and compressing all air around it, resulting in a massive explosion, dealing insane damage.

(Energetic Backlash applies)

Max. Damage: 9100

Cooldown: (Global) 4min

Range: Good

Stun: Singularity

Breaks Instinct: Yes

Duration: 8sec

AoE: Magnificent



Cyborg V4 (at least 1 gear)

7,500 Fragments

4,500,000 Beli

75 Scrap Metal

20 Angel Wing

30 Gunpowder

15 Electric Wing

10 Magma Ore

1 Mirror Fractal

Current Max. Level


Step 1:

Head to the Hot & Cold island in the Second Sea and interact with Arlthmetic, over the Smoke Admiral's lair. (The dialogues will only work once you have Cyborg V4 and if you don't, he'll simply shrug you off, saying, "this isn't the time to daydream, boy")

Step 2:

Choose the new option, "Rather than that.." after having initiated a dialogue.

Arlthmetic will say,

"I see. So you've came to seek for power. Forgive my sluggish tone earlier, I supposed you arrived here to once again spar with Order, but I guess not."

Step 3:

Choose "Yeah."

Arlthmetic will say,

"Very well. Speak with the unknown force that lets you bring forth the powers of a Cyborg, it shall grant you information about what you're seeking for."

Step 4:

Head to the hidden room in the Hot part of the island, and interact with the NPC which sells you the Cyborg race.

Step 5:

Once you've initiated a dialogue, the NPC will say,

"You've travelled from far away in search of power and I respect that, but such power isn't so simple to attain. For it, you must prove your worthiness."

Step 6:

Then, it will say,

"Although you have to prove your worthiness, it is not in my power to bring you to where you should be at, hence I'll tell you one thing. In order to attain that power you seek for, you must talk with the opposition of the Mad Scientist, the doctor of ancient technology, Nexus, you should be able to find him somewhere, good luck."

Step 7:

Head to the top of the laboratory located on the Cold part of the island and talk with Dr. Nexus and interact with him.

Step 8:

Once the dialogue is initiated, Nexus will say, (i won't be saying dr. because yes)

"Oh! You startled me... wait... what are those wings you have on your back? They look... similar to what I've researched on..."

(Choose "What?")

"Sorry.. it was just that I was fascinated and taken back a bit, but how did you find me?"

(Choose "Someone or something told me you get to you.")

"Huh? Oh.. it's that thing. Sorry, but, I don't really have the time for what you want."

(Choose "I'll prove that you will.")

"Sure... whatever. After all, I've never succeeded."

(Choose "...")

Step 9:

Once the dialogue ends, fill up your V4 rage meter and transform, then quickly head back to Nexus while you're transformed, and talk to him again.

Step 10:

Nexus will say,

"Hold on, hold on, hold ON!"

(Choose "...")

"What's this? I feel like I've experienced the presence of an ancient prowess, a mechanical one at that... Wait... Is that that you again?"

(Choose "Feel like you have the time for it now?")

"I don't know... this is my first time having seen such a presence, and this close at that... I feel like you can do it... but I fear the fact of you falling down, like them."

(Choose "Whose "them"?")

"They're just... people who tried to get that power... forget it."

(Choose "Hey, I'm also after that power, now come on, tell me how to get that power.")

"Don't come back, engulfed in regret and pain after this. I need you to get me a Quantum Core, a Synth Alloy and a box, containing Cybernetic Pulse..."

(Choose "How do I get those?")

"Some guys come here time to time, they have the Quantum Core... there's a maze somewhere in the seas, where I heard the Synth Alloy resides. And about the box... I don't really know much, but I think it's related to the puzzles you overcame to obtain this current power.. Good luck."

(Choose "Thanks.")

Step 11:

Item Obtainment:

Quantum Core:

Destroy the Factory Core, activating every 1 and 1/2 hours in the Second Sea, you'll be teleported to Order's room, where 10 Elite Guards and 2 Cyber Sentinels spawn. Defeat all of them in order to obtain the Quantum Core.

Synth Alloy:

Head to Jungle in the First Sea and head to the Saber Expert's room. Defeat him to unfold a hidden compartment underneath. Go inside it and complete the maze inside of it. Completing it will grant you an item, "Infrared-Vision Goggles". Equip them (lasts for 5 mins) and look for the Synth Alloy, once you find it, the maze will start to fall apart, revealing a Gorilla Mech boss. Defeat the boss to escape with the Synth Alloy.

Box of Cybernetic Pulse:

Head to the Temple of Time in the Third Sea, accessible through the force located atop the Great Tree. Alongside 2 other races, enter the Trial of The Machine, and during the barrage of falling missiles, seek a blue one, and get hit by it. You'll get dealt quite a bit of damage, but won't die. After that, complete the trial and win the final fight. The white light will rise, and suddenly shapeshift into an electric orb of energy, and it will turn into a fiery countdown. The countdown will summon an Ethereal Guardian (raid boss) and you'll be given instant V4 transformation and you'll be given a total of 15 minutes. You have to defeat the guardian, after which, the countdown turns back into the orb, and the guardian will drop a metal box, which you'll have to interact with and trap the orb, granting you the Box of Cybernetic Pulse.

(You'll still get the gear for the Ancient Clock)

Step 12:

Head back to Nexus and bring him the 3 materials. A dialogue will be initiated and Nexus will say,

"So this... this is the power I've been researching for... amazing..."

(Choose "Alright, now tell me.")

"Of course I will! Let me just assemble the core and- HOLD ON!"

Step 13:

A malfunction occurs and a greater guardian, the protector of ancient technology, the god of technology, Technarion.

Step 14:

Nexus will say,

"Oh no... What have I done?!? What have I summoned?"

(Choose "Don't worry, it doesn't seem like it's going to be active anytime soon.")

"Wait.. you're right... I feel like it'll start moving after a few hours... do you think you can gather allies to defeat it? I think defeating it is the final step for you to obtain the ancient power of the machine."

(Choose "Very Well.")

Step 15:

Gather as many fighters as you can who've also reached the same point onto the obtainment as you. The maximum is 7 (not including you). There will be titanium chains binding Technarion, and you'll have to unbind him with all of your allies. (Technarion will simply despawn after 8 hours if untouched, and you'll have to repeat all steps again. Technarion will not despawn even if you leave the server, but will only be visible to you and people who've reached Step 14.)

Step 16:

Defeat the God of Technology, Technarion. (All of you can respawn since it's at Hot & Cold, but only up to 4 times.)

He has 1,650,000 HP and uses the Kinetic Surge variants of all Cybernetic Ordnance moves.

Step 17:

Finally, obtain the Ultimate Circuit, dropped by Technarion and give it to Nexus.

Step 18:

Nexus will say,

"It... it's done... I thank you, player for making this impossible reality become possible. I shall grant you the powers of the Cyborg. But there's one problem."

(Choose "What is it?")

"I barely have any Beli or Fragments to live on as a normal man, and I also lack materials to activate this circuit, so do you mind bringing me $4,500,000, 7,500 Fragments, 75 Scrap Metal, 15 Angel Wing, 20 Gunpowder, 15 Electric Wing, 10 Magma Ore and 1 Mirror Fractal?"

(Choose "Fine. Here you go.")

"Thank you, and I hope you prosper in the right path.

[Cybernetic Ordnance learned.]"

Step 19:

Start rockin'.

thanks for reading this is the longest concept i've made i think (almost 14k characters) so uhhh yeah

pings (most are from the poll): @Human senpaiYT @MonkeyDAmogus @Niixblue @CallMeKC @0takuG0l4 @Sussycat42069 @Jeffika120 @Mythicalgod122 @True Uncanny Clicker @ToxicJade75 @FrozenSoul YT @Gray Impostor YT @Teradactyl Lord @FFcarrot @Shyman673

hi people i've got another konsept (Cybernetic Ordnance, fs) for you to review, yippee | Fandom (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.